My order has arrived damaged. What should I do?

Damage in the delivery of your product

We inform you about the possibility of the delivery box of your project being damaged during transportation.

The delivery box may arrive damaged due to bumps or transportation mishaps. It's important to note that the primary function of this box is to protect your fronts, so damage to the box doesn't necessarily imply an issue with the quality of the contents. If you notice damage to the delivery box, we ask you to carefully check the condition of the contents inside. The fronts may be in perfect condition, as the box acts as a protector.

Upon delivery of your project, it's important to inspect the received goods for any damages or missing items. If you notice any defects in your fronts at this initial stage:

  • Sign the delivery note as "Non-compliant".
  • Take photos of the damaged pallet and box.

It's important to note that any damage or issues detected should be reported within a maximum of three days after the delivery of the order.


If you still have doubts, you can contact our team at